Multi-Family Millionaire in Training: Emerging Market 2-Day Virtual Event
How Would Your Life Change If:
You Could Make an Additional $1,000,000 Investing in Multi-Family Real Estate During the Next Twelve Months Simply by Understanding Market Cycles and Emerging Markets?
Our Clients Have Been Doing This Since 2002, WE HAVE THE PROOF!
Dave Lindahl, Multi-Family Investing Veteran & Founder of RE Mentor™
Our ALL NEW Multi-Family Millionaire in Training: Emerging Market Virtual Event is a culmination of our 24 years of investing experience to give you the best systems and strategies to take advantage of the biggest multi-family wealth creation opportunity available right now, in today’s market!
Join me and the RE Mentor™ Team LIVE on June 22nd & 23rd (10:00 AM - 4:00 PM Eastern).
Please Guarantee Your Seat Now
To preserve the quality of your learning experience, the Multi-Family Millionaire in Training: Emerging Market Virtual Event is strictly limited to 30 students.
Why the Multi-Family Millionaire in Training: Emerging Market Virtual Event Is So POWERFUL
For the first time I will be sharing skills and techniques on how to understand and invest in Real Estate Market Cycles and Emerging Markets.
New Skills and Techniques
This is information I have only shared with our high-end mentorship clients. Their results have been phenomenal.
The Fastest Path
These techniques have been responsible for making more Multi-Family Millionaires than any other strategy I have used and/or taught.
The Best Strategy
As a matter of fact, they have made more Deca-Millionaires (people worth more than $10,000,000) than any other strategy available. It is that powerful.
During My Event, You Will Discover:

The Four Phases of the Real Estate Market Cycle
How to identify the phase your market is currently in and what strategies to use to make the most amount of profit in the least amount of time with the least amount of risk.

Recognizing the Transition Points
How to recognize the transition points of each of the phases so you know when to change your strategy to preserve your profits and to continue to prosper. This information is little known and is critical to your ongoing success.

Knowing The Emerging Phase
The two Emerging Phases of the Market Cycle and why and when to go “All In” to create generational wealth and live the rest of your life in a manner of your choosing. No more bosses!

Finding Emerging Markets
How to recognize markets around the United States that are in the Emerging Phase right now! This will allow you to immediately set yourself up for explosive profits and wealth generation.

Putting Together Your All-Star Team
How to put together an all-star team in your backyard and in an Emerging Market who will do the heavy lifting and help you grow your business as fast and as big as you would like it...why? Because they make more money when you do.

Getting Deals on a Regular Basis
How to get deals coming in on a regular basis by using one simple but often not thought of technique.

Raising Money and Structuring Your Deals
How to raise money and structure your deals so you are confident your deals will get funded. Don’t have any money, no problem. Have money but don’t want to use it, no problem.

The Key Asset Management Reports
The key reports to review from your all-star management company so you are not dealing with tenants, swinging a hammer or taking out any trash.

Getting Your First Deal Quickly
A key strategy on how to get into your first deal quickly to get the ball rolling.

The Essential Business Building Systems
Business building systems to build your Multi-Family portfolio so you’re getting a big check at every closing, large cash flow checks every month and have huge checks waiting for you when you either refinance or resell your properties.
If You Can Check One of the Following Boxes:
- I’m struggling to get my head above water and I’m tired.
- I’m doing OK but I’m not getting ahead.
- I’m doing OK but I’m concerned about my retirement.
- I’d like to retire completely in 3 – 5 years with a lot of money.
- I want to be free to live life on my terms.
- I am doing well but I’d like to increase my wealth and leave a bigger legacy for my next generations.
If you checked one or more of those boxes, then you need to attend the Multi-Family Millionaire in Training 2-Day Virtual Event and discover how to reach and surpass your goals.
During the Multi-Family Millionaire in Training 2-Day Virtual Event, we'll show you how an absolute beginner who has never invested before—and seasoned investors as well—can take advantage of the investment opportunities that are available right now!
Class Overview
Event Name: Multi-Family Millionaire in Training: Emerging Market Virtual Event
Format: The event is a live interactive Zoom meeting. We will have breakout sessions and open Q&A – your opportunity to get your questions answered!
Date: June 22nd & 23rd
Start Time: 10 AM Eastern (7 AM Pacific)
End Time: Approximately 4 PM Eastern (1 PM Pacific)
Materials: Once you register, you will receive a downloadable workbook to follow along with and take notes.

Dave’s deep knowledge and his sheer joy of the real estate business show throughout the training.

George Knowlton
Granite Bay, CAIMPORTANT: To preserve the quality of your learning experience, and to ensure the high touch learning experience we require for our trainings, each course is strictly limited to a maximum of 30 students total. Seats are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
Don't just take our word, real estate investors LOVE our new event...
I recently attended the virtual real estate training conducted by Dave Lindahl at RE Mentor. It was a phenomenal experience. The details of how to put together deals, how to identify deals, where to find the financing, what is an emerging market - all of the essentials of working with the organization were outlined in the two-day training. It was a great experience. I am extremely grateful for the professionalism, competence, and overall training abilities of the entire staff. The experience has been a wonderful experience and I look forward to building a relationship with RE Mentor going forward.
I’ve been an RE Mentor student since 2018. I’ve attended numerous trainings. This is the first training I’ve attended with Dave Lindahl as the presenter. Dave’s deep knowledge and his sheer joy of the real estate business show throughout the training. Dave’s breadth of knowledge in the multi-family real estate business was demonstrated by the
I’ve been an RE Mentor student now for a little over a year, I’ve learned a lot. I’m surprised how easily I can talk with experienced real estate professionals, know the lingo, and have them respect my knowledge. The video zoom call the last couple of days was a gift, it was a great review of things I have learned, an update on the things I need to know - especially pointing out the great opportunity that is about to emerge in this COVID environment that we’re going to be in for the next six months to a year. So, thank you, Dave, for a terrific two days!
We'll take you step-by-step through the process of finding, analyzing, and funding multi-family deals.
Register Now for the FREE Virtual Event
David Lindahl
Founder, RE Mentor
About Dave
Dave Lindahl began his real estate career from a standing start: He was broke. Plus he didn't know anyone in the business. What he did have was the desire to not be broke any longer, and a willingness to try things and fail, without giving up.
Long story short, he cobbled together his first deal, then another and another. Eventually he grew a portfolio with more than 8,200 apartment units. Naturally, people began to ask: "How did you do it, Dave? I knew you when you were a kid in a rock band!" So Dave explained his discoveries again and again to people. That got old quickly, so he put his methods down on paper and into presentations. Today his materials are the result of testing and refining methods repeatedly, with many thousands of students across the U.S.
Don't get him started talking about systems, or it will be a long, animated discussion. The guy loves systems.
Dave has a whole company that delivers training and coaching, so it's unusual for him to do the training himself these days. He simply doesn't need to. But he's so worked up about the opportunity he sees, that he's willing to take the time to show people who are also willing to take the time to hear it.